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Gmail 101: How to increase the time you have to unsend an email

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge If you’ve ever hit “Send” on a Gmail email and regretted it ten seconds later, you’ll know how handy — even necessary — a delayed send function can be. It could be the sudden realization that you accidentally hit “Reply all,” or a feeling that you may have sent it to the wrong contact, or that there is a misspelling somewhere in there — or, perhaps worst of all, the knowledge that you just sent off an angry missive that you probably shouldn’t have. In any of these cases, a few seconds to stop that email could keep your day from imploding. (Gmail, of course, isn’t the only email app with this ability; other apps offer it as well.) Gmail offers a standard five-second window to allow you to change your mind and unsend the email, but if you... Continue reading…

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