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Soon, the internet will make its own cat photos and then it won’t need us

These cats do not exist. This cat doesn’t exist: AI-made cat. This one doesn’t either: Fake cat. These are computer-generated images from This Cat Does Not Exist, and folks: I think we are in trouble. I understand this is going to sound crackpot, but hear me out. What if our computers are already smarter than us, and the only reason they’re pretending they aren’t is so we’ll continue feeding them their favorite thing, photos of our cats? I understand that in isolation this sounds ridiculous, but I don’t think it’s any sillier than the Singularity. Under this theory, Skynet has already happened, but Skynet is benign because one of the first things we taught it was that cats were cute. And Skynet doesn’t have cats. We... Continue reading…

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